6Estates held our third CS Seminar at BLOCK71 Singapore. CS Seminar is an initiative by 6Estates to facilitate the sharing of technical knowledge by academics and industry experts, to promote AI & Computer Science community in Singapore.
These days, dialogue systems are virtually everywhere — from the auto-informer system when making a call to a bank, to the mobile assistance (Siri/Cortana). As conversation is a natural way for people to get information, dialogue system can be applied widely.
Dialogue systems can be classified as task-oriented or as general-purpose. This talk will first give an introduction on both types, then introduce the recent research outcome, and finally discuss the feasibility of unifying two such types of system.
We invited Lei Wenqiang, a fifth-year PhD candidate from School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His research interests focus on natural language processing and computational linguistics, covering topics in task and non-task -oriented dialogue systems, discourse analysis, conversational recommendation system and sequence-to-sequence model evaluation.
He has published first-authored long papers on various top venues for natural language processing, inclusive of ACL, IJCAI and AAAI. He has also served as the reviewer for top venues like ACL and SIGIR.